Tim Eldridge has been in church leadership for 40 years. He currently co-leads Presence Ministries International with wife Sue. Tim has a passion to mentor young leaders and is an apostolic father to many. Known for his wisdom, encouragement and teaching, Tim is a catalyst and connector of people helping them accelerate in growth and work strategically with other ministries for the advancement of the kingdom. He has an interest in International Relations having read Peace Studies at the University of Bradford and makes sense of a confusing world that we are so often confronted with on our news screens. He and Sue have two grown up daughters, Holly & Harriett.

European Leaders Alliance

The European Leaders Alliance conference (ELA) is a fantastic opportunity for you to gather with a broad range of leaders and influencers from across Europe. You do not need to be a leader to attend this conference. If you want more of the Holy Spirit, this conference is for you.

We love to strengthen leaders and the local church, with encouragement, teaching, impartation and vision. Our heart is to help you reach your destiny.

We are available to come to teach, mentor, equip and serve you. Please get in touch today and see how we can help you.

Thinking out loud